Shade Trees
Welcome shady spots and local wildlife with our selection of classic shade trees, selected for hardiness and disease and pest resistance.
Products listed below are for general information only. For current pricing, availability, and specimen variety and care, please call the Greenhouse or contact our Nursery Manager here. Items listed are hardy to zone 4 (northern New York) or better, unless otherwise noted.
River Birch, Betula nigra "Heritage (R)" ('Cully')
40-70 feet high
40-60 feet wide
Thrives in higher pH and damp soils
Northern Catalpa, Catalpa speciosa
40-60 feet high
20-40 feet wide
American Chestnut, Castanea dentata
40-60 feet high
40-60 feet wide
Disease resistant cultivars
Dawn Redwood
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
70-100 feet high
25 feet wide
Fast-growing in proper conditions. ZONE 5.
Select carefully if planting in Northern NY.
American Elm, Ulmus Americana "Valley Forge"
60-80 feet high
30-50 feet wide
Cultivars resistant to Dutch Elm Disease
"Ginkgo biloba "Autumn Gold", "Princeton Sentry"
60-80 feet high
40-60 feet wide
Confirm your specimen is male for a more positive
experience with the Gingko tree!
Common Hackberry, Celtis occidentalis "Prairie Pride"
40-60 feet high
40-60 feet wide
Hardy and adaptable. Look for disease resistant cultivars.
American Hornbeam, Ironwood, Musclewood, Carpinus caroliniana
20-30 feet high
20-30 feet wide
European Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus, Fastigiata, Columnaris Nana, Pendula
40-60 feet high
30-40 feet wide
Thornless Honeylocust, Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis "Suncole", "Sunburst",
"Skyline", "Street Keeper", "Shademaster"
50-70 feet high
50-70 feet wide
Salt tolerant. Cultivars are somewhat pest tolerant and produce limited pods.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum "Red Fox", "Amazing Grace", "Morioka Weeping"
40-60 feet high
Varying width
Colorful and scented!
To view our maple section, please tap here.
To view our oak selection, please tap here.
American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis
75-100 feet high
75-100 feet wide
Liriodendron tulipifera
70-90 feet high
35-50 feet wide
Used by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the Vanderbilt family
Salix alba 'Tristis"
50-70 feet high
50-70 feet wide
The classic weeping willow